We believe that children learn about the world around them through play!
The centre's image of the child is one of being more worldly, being capable and competent, a partner in the learning along with the teacher. Both images represent an inclusive environment where all children are welcome and included.
Our children learn about themselves, their peers and the world in which they live through investigation and exploration, through art, drama, music and social interactions, while recognizing that each child is a unique individual.
Families are an integral part of our program; we encourage and welcome their involvement in our program as much as possible.
The staff focus on the children's interests and passions as well as their own. The staff team believes that children are strong, competent learners. The staff values and respects the children and believes that their thoughts and ideas are pivotal to the curriculum. It is the educator's role to facilitate allowing the children's ideas and interests to flow in a positive planned program, allowing the children to discover, explore, document, compare and share their ideas and results.
Staff believe in being human, honest, open minded, caring and current within the profession. Understanding that children learn in many different ways, small accomplishments are huge to a child who struggles within the program.
We believe that the learning environment consists of everyone (children, teachers and families) working together for the holistic development of the child. We balance indoor/outdoor, active play, rest and quiet within each of our programs daily schedules.
Activities within the program emphasize skills; self-esteem, self-respect, self-regulation and respect for others, which allows individual children and groups to interact in an appropriate and confident manner.